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  • Writer's pictureHelen Hyland

Chasing a dream!


All my life, I have been an avid reader and writer. My mother would come in and catch me under the covers with a flashlight, and I would be reading or scribbling stories from my mind on a notepad (Hey, it was the 80's - we didn't have laptops!)

My writing was just for me, but I always dreamed of publishing. I would fantasize and write and think what if... but I got married, had a baby, got an amazing job and was happy with my life! Now my baby is 22, I am divorced, and still have that amazing job... but writing and publishing was still a dream.

Having lost my younger brother 5 years ago and my dad 6 months ago, I decided in January to pursue that dream! Life is too short to have regrets. I know I would always regret not chasing this dream.

So here I am 48 years old, no longer scribbling on a pad and paper, but writing my heart out on my laptop. Learning the ins and outs of being a 'real' author! And I have found that it's HARD AS HELL! As a reader, I don't think I truly understood the blood, sweat and tears my favorite authors went through to entertain me. To sweep me away to a new land, let me pretend to be someone else, build my knowledge of cultures and the world around me.

To every single author I have read, THANK YOU! You have enriched my life.

My blog is to document my journey into publishing my book. And hopefully all the consecutive books. Feel free to comment, if the mood ever strikes you, or what I blog about strikes a cord with you.

And be sure to check my Newsletter for updates and give-a-ways and other author promotions.

With love,


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